원추각막 조기진단 스킬?
Accuracy of machine learning classifiers using bilateral data from a Scheimpflug camera for [...]
백내장 수술하다 보면 있을수 있는일?
Practice patterns of cataract surgeons at academic medical centers for the management of [...]
라식한눈이 백내장이 생기면 ??
Intraocular lens calculation adjustment after laser refractive surgery using Scheimpflug imaging J [...]
삼중초점 프리미엄 렌즈 좋아??
Evaluation of visual outcomes and patient satisfaction after implantation of a diffractive trifocal [...]
프리미엄 노안 짝눈이 대세인가?
Bilateral implantation of +2.5 D multifocal intraocular lens and contralateral implantation of +2.5 [...]