녹내장환자의 삶의 질 어떨까?
Relationship between Binocular Visual Function and Quality of Life in Bilateral Normal Tension [...]
수술에서 각막 난시 측정하는 5가지 비법
Effect of posterior corneal astigmatism on power calculation and alignment of toric intraocular [...]
난시 수술 잘하는법??
Influence factors of estimation errors for total corneal astigmatism using keratometric astigmatism in patients [...]
SS-OCT? 새로운 기계??
Repeatability and agreement in optical biometry of a new swept-source optical coherence tomography–based [...]
프리미엄렌즈 얼마나 가까운게 잘보이니?
Influence of the effective lens position, as predicted by axial length and keratometry, [...]
백내장 수술하고 세월이 지나면??
Long-term changes in intraocular lens position and corneal curvature after cataract surgery and [...]