강막강화술?? 고식적 방법과 새로운 방법의 비교
Accelerated versus conventional corneal crosslinking for refractive instability: an update Curr Opin [...]
각막의 뒷면?? 잘보는 기계 ; 민들레안과 기계
Posterior corneal shape: Comparison of height data from 3 corneal topographers J [...]
난시 수술을 위한 새로운 방법들
Toric outcomes: Computer-assisted registration versus intraoperative aberrometry J Cataract Refract Surg 2017; [...]
각막 상처 잘지우는 방법
Guiding flying-spot laser transepithelial phototherapeutic keratectomy with optical coherence tomography J Cataract [...]
라식 라섹후 각막 염증 위험요인??
Infectious keratitis after laser vision correction: Incidence and risk factors J Cataract [...]
백내장 수술을 위한 새로운 공식??
Intraoperative aberrometry versus preoperative biometry for intraocular lens power selection in axial myopia [...]