라섹~~ 약쓰면 녹내장 생긴다??
Risk factors predicting steroid-induced ocular hypertension after photorefractive keratectomy J Cataract Refract [...]
백내장 수술에서 새로운 렌즈 공식!! 정확할까..??
Accuracy of 3 new methods for intraocular lens power selection J Cataract [...]
약시!! 라식 라섹 가능할까??
Visual outcomes of laser vision correction in eyes with preoperative amblyopia J [...]
백내장 수술 양안 동시에 하는게 이득일까?
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis of bilateral same-day cataract surgery J Cataract [...]
백내장 수술 칼은 어디로 넣어줄까?
Clinical Outcomes of Cataract Surgery Using Nasal Clear Corneal Incision: Safety and Efficacy [...]
백내장 수술이 각막에 무리를 준다?
Influence of Preoperative Corneal Endothelial Status on Postoperative Corneal Endothelium Density after Cataract [...]